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Version: 3.0

Troubleshooting Invalid Sessions

If session managers have received invalid messages on the session status CSV file after uploading sessions to the platform, they can use this guide to make the necessary corrections and upload the file again.

Invalid Status MessageErrors
Mandatory fields <name of the column> not filled

You have not provided one or more mandatory information specified in the invalid message. For example: If you have not entered the session date, you will receive the invalid message 'Mandatory fields date not filled'.

Invalid <name of the column>

You have entered the information in the wrong column or in the incorrect format. Here are some examples:

  • If you enter the mentee's email ID in the Mentor column, the invalid message would be Invalid mentor email.
  • If the date entered is wrong or in the incorrect format, the invalid message would be Invalid date.
User not foundYou have added a non-existent mentor or mentee.
Below minimum session timeYou must create a session with a session duration of at least 30 minutes.
Only <number> mentees are allowedThe number of invited mentees exceeded the session enrollment limit.
Invalid row actionYou have entered Create in the Action column and have specified an existing session ID in the ID column.
Session not foundWhile editing or deleting sessions, you have entered a non-existent session ID.
Cannot edit mentor and typeYou cannot edit the session type or the mentor after publishing the session.
Cannot delete live sessionWhile deleting sessions, you have added the session ID of an ongoing (live) session.
Session creation limit exceeded for given mentor

You will receive this error due to the following reasons:

  • Duplicate sessions: The mentor is already assigned a session during the specified time.
  • Successive sessions: If a mentor is assigned a session from 3 pm to 4 pm, you cannot assign another session starting from 4 pm.

To look up guidelines on entering the session information in the bulk upload CSV file, see the bulk upload table in any one of the following sections: