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Key Capabilities of Projects

Project or Micro-improvement projects (MIPs) are action-oriented initiatives with specific objectives that lead to improvement. They enable users to define and track tasks, ensuring progress towards goals.

Throughout the improvement journey, users can upload evidence such as images, videos, or documents to support their initiatives. This helps in tracking progress, showcasing achievements, and sharing best practices with relevant stakeholders, promoting collaboration, feedback, and learning from each other's experiences. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing within the education ecosystem.

Users can also receive certificates after submission to celebrate the successful completion of the projects.

Key Features

View Assigned ProjectsProjects are assigned to users based on their role or location by the content creators.
Discover ProjectsUsers can discover new projects using links or by scanning QR codes.
Create Assigned ProjectsProject templates can be created from the back end by the content creators.
Start Improvement ProjectTo start an improvement project, users can click Start improvement on the Project details page.
Share ProjectUsers can share the project in a PDF format.
Attach EvidenceUsers can attach and view task-level and project-level evidence such as documents, photos, links, and videos.
Sync ProgressSynchronizes project progress to ensure data is up-to-date.
Submit ProjectUsers can submit the project after completing all the tasks.
View Project DetailsDisplays detailed project information, including objectives, recommended duration, and other relevant details.
View and Edit TasksUsers can view, edit, or delete non-mandatory tasks, add new tasks, and manage task resources and observations.
Manage SubtasksUsers can add and edit subtasks, define subtask completion dates, and track their status.
View Task-Level ResourcesUsers can view resources associated with individual tasks.
Monitor Project Progress With DashboardsData dashboards provide visibility into project progress, key metrics, and completion rates, enabling data-driven decision-making and targeted support.
Earn CertificatesCertificates will be provided to users after the submission of completed projects. However, certificates will be issued for only those projects that have certificate criteria defined.

An instance of Projects (sandbox solution) is created to demonstrate some of the capabilities. This document provides the user guide for the reference solution (Projects).

Project Capability on DIKSHA

An improvement project is a construct that help Leaders (such as HT,HM, CRPs, DEOs, and DIET officials) and teachers to do the following actions:

  • Define and track a set of tasks to achieve specific objectives.

  • Take up projects for a particular time to improve any process, program, or activity.

  • Earn certificates by successfully completing the projects.

Targeted initiatives can address specific challenges and drive improvements across various levels of the education system. Here are some examples:

  • A school leader might conduct a project on Parent-Teacher Meetings to involve parents more actively in their child's learning.

  • Teachers could take on projects using Teaching Learning Materials (TLM) to improve student engagement and outcomes in the classroom.

  • Cluster or district officials might focus on school enrollment projects to bring out-of-school children into schools within their jurisdiction.

  • Additionally, teachers could work on projects involving innovative pedagogy to share best practices among their peers.

Accessibility of Projects

  • Link: Projects can be discovered using a link. Project managers can share the links with all the users. Users can click on the link to access the project.

  • QR Code: Program managers can create a project QR code and share it with all the users. Users can easily scan the QR code and get access to the project.

  • App Navigation: Targeted users can also view projects using the Programs and Project tile on the app.