FAQ on Surveys
What does Observations/Surveys application offer?
Observations/Surveys is an open source solution where you can take up surveys that evaluate a specific area of improvement.
To learn more, see Welcome to Observations/Surveys.
Where can I find surveys that are assigned to me?
You can view your assigned surveys using the Survey tile.
To learn more, see Viewing Surveys.
Where can I track my surveys?
You can track the completion status of each survey by viewing its status.
To learn more, see Viewing Surveys.
while taking a survey, how can I navigate to a specific question
The Question Map provides an overview of questions. To answer or modify a question, click on its number.
To learn more, see Adding Responses to a Survey.
How can I view my submitted surveys?
On the Survey Reports page, You can view the list of submitted surveys and the responses saved during submission.
To learn more, see Survey Reports.